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How do you create cities people love?

Published: Thursday, 14th June 2018

How do you create cities people love?

Find out at the LGAQ Future Cities Summit (July 11 - 13) where you can hear from Jessica Christiansen-Franks - from 'Neighbourlytics' a platform that is transforming urban planning.

How do you create cities people feel happy in? How can you create infrastructure that will stand the test of time and encourages positive social inclusion? - tough questions for any urban planner. 

Enter - Neighbourlytics

Neighbourlytics is a social analytics platform that is transforming how urban planning is informed. Co-founded by Jessica Christiansen-Franks and Lucinda Hartley, the platform uses proprietary technology to draw on unique and rich data sources to create powerful metrics about the urban life of neighbourhoods.

Unlike postcode level statistics, the data is nuanced and hyperlocalised, making it highly valuable to town centre planning; understanding the evolution of places over time.

Every day millions of Australians are creating data points online that paint a picture about the places they go and what they value. 84% of us use the internet everyday, and 79% are active social media users. Neighbourlytics taps into this dynamic data set to help city-makers understand the unique local identity of the places they plan, build and manage.

Want to know more?

You can hear more about Neighbourlytics and urban planning at the LGAQ Future Cities Summit - July 11 - 13. 

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