Nobody should have to suffer from the effects of anti-social behaviour. It is intimidating to walk down a street that looks neglected because of graffiti or vandalism. Illegal dumping can make an area look uncared for.
Although the Council area is in the lower levels of recorded crime in the country, it can be threatening especially at night. Fear of crime can soon become a real problem, greater than the risk of actually becoming a victim of crime.
That is why the Council's Community Safety Partnership is taking a stand against Antisocial Behaviour, to make our community even safer.
We act quickly to tackle incidents of Antisocial Behaviour. Our street cleansing team remove graffiti from highways and public land. We aim to remove, cover or obscure offensive graffiti within one working day of our team becoming aware of the issue. Abandoned cars will be removed as soon as practicable after checks on ownership have been completed, or immediately if they are in a dangerous condition.
We want you to report any Antisocial Behaviour in the community, so please use our Antisocial behaviour reporting form. It is only by people taking the trouble to report incidents that a true picture of what is happening in the community can be established.
If an individual or a location becomes the subject of multiple reports, agencies will work together to try and address the problem. To do this two forums meet regularly
- Community Harm and Risk Management Meeting (CHaRMM) discusses individuals
- the Joint Action Group discusses locations or crime types showing an increase.
Information is shared under the agreed Council information sharing protocol.