This X-form is designed to replace 2 current forms (one for 3 year olds, one for 4 year olds), using the 'Kindergarten enrolement age' Page Template to branch at page level between the two form IF the forms vary greatly. If they don't, then will need to use hidden fields and prefills to selectively use in page branching OR I could use conditional logic I think? (need to check if I can in-page branch based on logic). Need to review the second form (for 4 year olds) and add this to the X-form I've built On current live form, uploads are presented as a page at the end of the form. Check if Council want this repeated, if so, need to use hidden fields and prefills in order to deliver this. There are a couple of pages I've left out (Emergency contact 2 & 3). Could maybe do these as a Choice question ('do you have additional emergency contacts to add') and then use Page Branching to take the user to a second (and then third) use of the same Page Template Parent/Guardian #2 (leave blank if not applicable)\ Uploads page - Court docs appear if selected 'Kindergarten preference' page on current (JotForm) form has in-page branching to capture the days of the week you want your child to attend the revelant kindergarten (i.e. based on which one you selected). This is repeated for each of the 3 preference levels. To make this easier to recreate in XFP, I've created a Conditional Logic to identify which of the attendance options to present based on the kindergartens that the user selects. This avoids having to have multiple conditional Page Sections under each preference in order to capture the attendance days. If the Conditional Logic were applied at aggregate level (i.e., calculate which three centres to display for attendance days, and capture the attendance days for all three centres) this would mean that the order in which the kindergartens appeared in the 'capture attendance' section wouldn't necessarily match the order of preference for the centres (potentially leading to the user mixing up which days they wanted to attend which venue). To counter this, and to more closely match the current user journey, I've created logics to display Summary of where I've got to: Conditional Logics to return a number associated with a selection (would be unecessary if the values were changed to numbers). Literal Logic used to combine the numbers across the three preferences derived from the Conditional Logics. In-Page Branching set (successfully) to trigger off presence of a number in the literal logic prefill (e.g. if '1' is present in the literal logic 461, for example, the in-page branching kicks in).